Senior Living Myths Debunked | February 26

The Most Wonderful Time for a Senior Living Tour

The holidays are traditionally when families travel from far and wide to spend time together, but they can also be a concerning time for family members. They may become aware that their older loved one’s health is declining or see firsthand that they’re struggling with tasks of daily living. Touring a senior living community during the holidays may not be part of the original plans, but in fact, senior living communities frequently get calls about care options from anxious family members at this time of year. And while it’s better not to rush, sometimes a quick decision to move to senior living is necessary and for the best.

Touring senior living communities during the holidays.

No amount of researching online, reading reviews or envisioning floor plans can take the place of an in-person tour. It provides so much: a sense of the physical space, a good look at the gardens and grounds, a chance to try out the food or activities, and the opportunity to talk with people who live there.

Touring a senior living community during the holidays may ease a loved one’s natural tension and resistance about a possible move and even provide some unexpected insights. Here’s why booking a tour during the holiday season makes sense:

Festive Feeling

Staff and residents in senior living communities love celebrations and parties of all kinds. (These photos on our Facebook page give you a peek at Canterbury Court!) Communities that decorate for the holidays fill the common areas and dining rooms with festive decor, twinkling lights and holiday music. Seeing everyone in good spirits as they anticipate the holidays can banish any Scrooge-like feelings. And if your loved one typically spends the holiday season by themselves, it’s a great way to imagine what it would feel like to be embraced by a community of neighbors and friends.  

Family Feedback

Since the holiday season is a time when families plan to be together, it’s likely that family members are visiting for a longer time. It’s an opportunity to visit a senior living community together, so everyone has a chance to see it and share their point of view. Touring a community with a group of family members, rather than going in alone, may also be more reassuring to some older family members. They won’t feel as conspicuous, and if they participate in a mealtime or a holiday activity, they’ll feel more comfortable knowing they’re among their family members.

More Fun 

The number of social activities and events ramps up during the holiday season. Senior living communities may host events centered around holiday themes, such as a tree or menorah lighting ceremony, caroling, or gathering for the Kwanzaa feast. Regular activities such as arts and crafts classes or dining may also take on more of a holiday theme. This is also when even more mouthwatering aromas emanate from the kitchen, and holiday dishes and desserts make their appearance in the dining room! Touring senior living communities during the holidays will give you and your loved one insight into the spirit and energy unique to each community.


From religious celebrations marking Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to festive events like ringing in the new year, you’ll observe senior living communities demonstrating their true sensitivity toward people from diverse cultures and faiths. If faith is important to a family member, this can be an important deciding factor on whether the community will be a fit for them.

Easier to Connect

When you tour a senior living community during the holiday season, the people you meet will certainly be in a holiday mood. They’ll be excited to talk about upcoming events in the community, their families and themselves — all perfect reasons to strike up a conversation. You or your loved one might even meet a new friend you’d like to get to know better. These warm connections make moving to a new home something to look forward to.   

Good Deals

Touring a senior living community during the holidays might even get you a good deal. Most families often tour and visit in January, after the holidays are over. Getting ahead of the crowd may give your loved one a better choice of available residence, and the community may even be offering incentives to new residents who move in December. Approaching a Retirement Counselor to ask about unadvertised promotions or negotiate a discount is also easier in person. After touring a community, you or your loved one will be better informed about making a move there, and getting a good deal could be the icing on the holiday cookie.

Setting Up a Tour

Interested in setting up a tour at Canterbury Court? Visiting our community at any time of the year is a pleasant experience, but we go all out on senior living tours during the holidays. Contact us, and we’ll be happy to arrange a day and time that’s convenient for you.

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